Parasites in the stomach: symptoms and treatment

Helminths are parasitic worms. To do this, they use intermediate and main hosts, feeding on cells or tissues, absorbing nutrients and vitamins entering the body for the host. Worms in the human stomach, as well as in the intestine or other tissue structures, in the course of their vital activity, poison the body with toxic substances.

Types of parasites that enter the body through the stomach

Each type of parasite can develop in its inherent part of the human body, where the best conditions for its reproduction and nutrition are created. Certain types of parasites can move through the body from organ to organ. Infection with parasites occurs in a variety of ways. The most frequent way of penetration of parasites into the human body is alimentary. Problems can be avoided by following basic hygiene rules - washing your hands before eating food, as well as handling food thoroughly.

Parasites do not live long in the human stomach due to the effect of hydrochloric acid on their membrane. The most common foreign microorganisms that parasitize the human body are:

    what parasites can live in the human stomach
  • Ascaris- have the ability to move through the ducts of the hepatic and pulmonary structures, penetrating into the intestines. In the small intestine, roundworms develop to sexually mature individuals.
  • Schistosomes- affect liver tissue, in advanced cases, provoking the development of oncological diseases and dystrophy of the hepatobiliary system.
  • Hookworms- cause disturbances in the digestive tract. The most dangerous for the human body are hookworms and necators. Localization of parasites mainly in the area of ​​the duodenum. Hookworms are able to enter the human body not only through the stomach. Parasites have the ability to invade the skin, causing allergic reactions in the form of itching, burning and redness.
  • Toxoplasmaare the simplest parasites that often affect the human body. The disease proceeds quite easily, often unnoticed by a person. Serious consequences for the body arise only in the case of severely weakened immunity.
  • Wide tapeworm- localized in the small part of the human intestine. It can reach several meters in length. The parasite provokes the development of a deficiency in the body of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), as well as folic acid. Toxic-allergic reactions of the body are not excluded. Infection occurs when eating fish affected by larvae.
  • Bovine tapewormis ​​a worm that provokes the development of a disease such as teniarinchiasis. Penetrating into the human body by the alimentary route, the bovine tapeworm parasite passes through the stomach, where it gets rid of the membrane under the action of gastric juice. Its suckers are released, and the parasite can easily attach to the mucous membranes of the small intestine. Signs of a bovine tapeworm in the body are abdominal pain, nausea and eruption of gastric contents. The patient loses his appetite, may suffer from dyspeptic disorders (belching, for example). In some cases, infection with bovine chain is a manifestation of allergic reactions on the skin in the form of urticaria.
  • types of parasites in the human body
  • Pork tapewormis ​​a helminth reaching up to 10 meters in size. It belongs to one of the largest worms that infect the human body. Passing through the stomach, the eggs of the parasite, due to the action of hydrochloric acid, lose their shell. The larvae emerging from the egg spread through all tissues of the human body, provoking the development of cysticercosis. Cysticercosis poses the greatest danger to the nervous system.
  • Vlasoglavis ​​a round worm that causes the disease trichocephalosis. Symptoms of invasion may be absent for a long time. In complicated cases, with a large accumulation of parasites, there may be signs of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. The person has pain in the abdomen, decreases appetite, and the stool becomes liquid. In the feces, streaks of blood and mucus are noted.

Symptoms of parasites and worms in the gastrointestinal tract

Alien organisms leading a parasitic lifestyle in the body of their host disrupt the functioning of many organs, causing inflammatory processes and severely destroying body tissues.

Parasitic individuals in the intestinal tract, for their development and reproduction, use nutrients from food, intended for the host. The consequences for humans are sad. The body is experiencing a severe deficiency of trace elements and vitamin complexes.

Children's organisms are most at risk.

Against the background of severe helminthiasis, the processes of growth and normal development, both physically and psychologically, are seriously disturbed. Helminths have the ability to perfectly adapt and live for decades in the host's body. Helminth eggs have a pronounced resistance to environmental factors.

Being in the digestive tract, various types of helminthiases can disrupt the digestive process by releasing specific toxic substances for their protection, inactivating enzymatic activity. Helminthiasis can cause gastritis and other dyspeptic disorders.

Symptoms that appear during infection with parasites can be very different in their manifestations. In the vast majority of clinical cases, discomfort and painful sensations are observed at the location of the parasites. So, helminths, whose habitat is the skin, damage the dermis, which leads to the appearance of allergic reactions. Parasites localized in the lung structures can cause disturbing coughing or shortness of breath. Symptoms of dwarf tapeworm infection are manifested by weakness throughout the body, memory impairment, pain in the abdomen and head. Sometimes nausea and constant vomiting are diagnosed, as with a stomach ulcer.

Stool disorder, bad breath, painful sensations in the intestines or digestive disorders, in most cases, is associated with the action of parasites in the digestive tract.

The effect of foreign microorganisms on the human body as a whole leads to the following symptoms:

  • increased weakness;
  • attacks of headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • bloating;
  • rashes and itching on the skin of an allergic nature;
  • attacks of bronchial asthma.

In addition, the overall resistance of the body decreases, against the background of changes in the functioning of the immune system. In young children, helminthiasis is manifested by a delay in physical and psychological development.


Diagnostics combines studies to identify larvae or eggs of worms.

Biological materials for diagnosis are:

  • feces;
  • urine;
  • sputum;
  • contents of the duodenum;
  • bile duct secretion;
  • rectal scrapings;
  • smear from the perianal space;
  • muscle fibers;
  • blood.

Based on the fact that helminths and their particles are detected by a macroscopic method, eggs and larvae can only be detected by laboratory examination using a microscope.

Acute phase of helminthiasis caused by parasites in tissues, or by larvae of parasitic forms of toxocariasis, trichinosis, cystocerciasis, trichocephallosis, implies the use of serological samples, such as:

  • RSK- complement binding reaction;
  • HA- indirect agglutination;
  • ELISA- immunofluorescence analysis;
  • AHL- lysis agglutination.

In some cases of helminthiasis, a reliable diagnosis can only be established with the help of special ultrasound examinations, computed tomography, X-ray examination and endobiopsy.


Treatment for helminthiasis can vary greatly. Science knows more than 300 all kinds of helminthiases, but the main parasites that cause changes and systemic intoxication are round and flatworms. They are usually divided into intestinal and non-intestinal. When prescribing therapeutic measures, it is important to take into account a number of characteristic features that are characteristic only of a certain class of helminths that are harmful to human health.

In order to get rid of helminths, a specialist prescribes a whole treatment regimen, and it is important to take into account the factors of the frequency of infection of certain organs, the intensity of infection, the level of intoxication, and the duration of helminthos. This allows you to prescribe the most effective means.


To combat the diagnosed type of helminths, an individual therapy regimen is being developed. The specialist will prescribe the appropriate drug based on the patient's test results.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine can help you get rid of parasites at home.

For the treatment of helminthiasis, you can use the following recipes:

  • Wormwood seed inflorescences,must be ground and mixed with honey. Take the drug 3 days in a row 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon. Effective for ascariasis.
  • Bitter wormwood infusionis ​​prepared as follows - grind the grass, pour boiling water over it, let it brew for the whole night. In the morning, filter the infusion and drink it 3 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 3 weeks. Effective for ascariasis and enterobiasis.
  • Pumpkin seeds.They can be used raw, dried, or as a powder. The powder is mixed with honey and the drug is taken on an empty stomach. Copes with tape worms. You can make a decoction of pumpkin seeds. A pound of seeds is crushed in a mortar, poured with 1. 5 liters of hot water and placed in a water bath. It is not necessary to bring to a boil. Drink the broth on an empty stomach.
  • Infusion of pomegranate peels.Dried and crushed pomegranate peels, pour boiling water, cool and take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day. The course of therapy is 7 days.

Preventive measures

If the rules of personal hygiene are not observed, parasites will have to be removed from the body constantly, which will adversely affect the state of the body as a whole.

For prevention purposes, it is important to adhere to the following points of basic hygiene rules:

  • avoid close contact with animals;
  • keep your hands clean - wash them after each going outside;
  • it is important to keep the living space clean by doing wet cleaning, washing dishes with detergents;
  • if there are children in the house, it is recommended to wash children's toys with soap, especially after a walk;
  • wash vegetables and fruits under running water, preferably warm or even hot, since the eggs of the worms have a sticky substance that prevents them from separating from the surface;
  • eat meat and fish products only after preliminary heat treatment;
  • drink clean water, avoid tap water, as it may contain lamblia and schistosomas.

Helminthiases not only cause discomfort, but also greatly harm the human body. The neglected cases of helminth damage lead to disturbances in the functioning of the whole organism. It is important to take timely preventive measures to avoid infection.